Actress and dancer Ana Honde has fallen victim to heartbreak. She posted a video on her Facebook page, saying she has been “returned to the streets.” Ana did not revealed the man, but she shared some screenshots that could explain what led to the breakup.

In a photo, the boyfriend seems to suggest that she should stop having male best friends, which is the reason he is stepping out of the relationship. Ana once dated a radio presenter some years ago, and the two were very close. Soon after their breakup, which left Shugheta crying, they decided to continue working together and became best friends.

This has been criticized by many online users, who argue that people with a romantic past should not reignite their friendship, as it can trigger old memories. It is not clear at the moment who the male best friend that Ana is referring to is, but some assume that Shugheta might still be the person in the picture.

While many women might tolerate the idea of a male best friend, some men are very protective of their relationships and will not entertain such a situation. This is because many best friends have a tendency to fall in love with each other, replacing the romantic partner.

Having associates with common interests is a good thing. People have schoolmates, workmates, church mates, flatmates, among others, but taking those people as best friends of the opposite sex can create complexities. Ana Honde decided to warn other ladies never to let this happen to them.


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