Chidimma Adetshina has withdrawn from the Miss South Africa pageant.

This was confirmed in a statement believed to be owned by the finalist on social media on Thursday.

There’s been controversy over Adetshina’s participation after it was revealed she had a Nigerian father and a Mozambican mother, despite having been born and raised in South Africa.

The decision comes a day after the Department of Home Affairs said it found prima facie indications of fraud and identity theft committed by Adetshina’s mother. The department found this after it launched an investigation into her citizenship.

Adetshina was set to compete in the 2024 Miss South Africa event on Saturday.

Social commentator Shadhaya had this to say about the issue:

If anything can be learned from this whole Chidimma saga, it’s that if you’re a foreigner/immigrant know your place

Don’t get too comfortable to a point where you start competing for certain privileges that belong to the natives of that country

At the same time don’t be a menace to your host country, behaviors and acts related to criminality as well as disrespect of their norms and practices

The word xenophobia is now easily thrown around, but much of it foreigners bring it upon themselves. Always remember why you’re in a foreign land, to better your life, not to prove you’re better than your hosts

Think about it like this, in your own family, your parents decide to adopt your cousin whose parents are either dead or incapable of taking care of them

Fast forward they start showing off that they’re “better” than you. Not only that but want certain privileges that you the biological child of your parents. And heck even start to bully you in your own parents’ house. Naturally you’re going to start to resent them

This isn’t to justify any xenophobic acts but to explain how it can be stirred up. As a foreigner if you’re in a foreign land, be on your best behavior, accept they’re certain privileges you can’t demand and be grateful to your hosts

When you act entitled or like a savage, you only make it difficult for other foreigners who will be productive, law abiding and respectful