I dont like saying i swear but i swear this is a coincidènce but i ddnt know the meaning of this scripture till today

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John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
The whole old testament law is summed up into love God with all your heart… And love your neighbor as yourself..
I ddnt see where the new commandment was bécause it seemed to me to be the same as the old çommandment which is to Love thy neighbor as yourself.

Só the new commandment is in the Lord is not saying love your neighbor as u love yourself but in Love your neighbor As i Have loved you…
Loving myself can be selfish obviously i prioritise myself . Who wouldnt.. But this new love is unconditional its not about if it benefits me im willing to Love…

Its Agape and the new commandment is saying Agape your neighbor as i have Agaped you
Like i said i ddnt know what this meant but today… But however taking it into pràctice the next verse says the world will know that you are my disciple because u have love for one another

Its not about if we have a direct connection to her or if it benefits me directly its how we roll and this is how the world will reach conviction that the gospel we preach is real… Agape.

Só not under duress obligation or anything but puré love please like subscribe and share as much as u can
