Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – Alleged fake doctor Prosper Mpofu, whose real name is Taurai Prosper Vanhuvaone, has once again been apprehended at Mpilo Central Hospital on Monday morning. Vanhuvaone, who is currently out on bail for previous charges, was reportedly found on the hospital grounds with some of his victims. The arrest has reignited public outrage over the growing problem of medical fraud in the country.

Hospital authorities confirmed the arrest and expressed concern that Vanhuvaone was spotted on the premises despite facing charges for impersonating a medical professional. “We were surprised to see him back here, especially after the initial arrest. This man has caused immense harm to the health sector and the public,” said one senior official from Mpilo Central Hospital. His presence at the hospital once again raised alarm, prompting swift action by hospital security and law enforcement.

Vanhuvaone, who was first arrested for practicing medicine without a valid license, has reportedly defrauded several patients who believed him to be a legitimate doctor. His alleged crimes include providing medical consultations, prescribing medication, and even performing minor procedures without proper qualifications. Authorities say that some of his victims were present at the hospital when he was detained, raising suspicions that he may have been attempting to continue his illicit activities.

The news of Vanhuvaone’s re-arrest has stirred fear and frustration among the public, particularly those who had fallen victim to his fraudulent medical practices. One victim, who chose to remain anonymous, shared their distress, saying, “I trusted him with my health, only to find out that he wasn’t a real doctor. It’s terrifying to think he was still operating even after being exposed.”