Fungisai had this to say : For these 4 specific Sociological reasons I would have chosen to apologize and SHINE. For example “mhamha thank you for the opportunity. I am sorry nezvatakakanganisa tiri pwere, tiregerereiwo”.

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  1. The Social Exchange Theory suggests that social interactions are based on exchanges of resources, including emotional support, approval, and tangible benefits. In this context, apologizing can be seen as an investment in social capital, where you’re offering an apology (a resource) in anticipation of receiving a favor (a benefit) in return.

2.Power Dynamics: By apologizing, you may be temporarily surrendering power to the other person, acknowledging their influence or control over the situation. This can create a sense of obligation or reciprocity, increasing the likelihood of them granting your wish.

3.Impression Management: Apologizing can be a strategic move to manage the other person’s impression of you, showcasing your willingness to cooperate, compromise, and maintain social harmony. This can lead to increased social credibility and favorability.

  1. Rational Choice Theory: apologizing can be seen as a calculated decision, weighing the potential benefits (gaining favor) against the potential costs (loss of dignity, integrity, or self-respect

Nditukei henyu, but I would have apologized even if I didn’t mean it. I regret that I did not consider giving mumwe wangu strategy especially because emotions do take over usingazvitarisire.🥹