A Ghanaian man Patrick Amenuvor who officially started his Stand-a-thon to attempt the Guinness World Record for longest standing by an individual has called it off.

He was attempting to stand in one place for 7 days a total of 124 hours. He cancelled the attempt and rescheduled over concerns that he might have broken some rules.

Many have cited that he backed off not because of irregularities but he failed to withstood more than 2 hours .

The standathon challenge is unique and tests a lot of things about a human being. We would be allowed to eat food but he wouldn’t be allowed to move an inch.

Friends, family and judges had gathered to support and cheer Patrick all the way but his biological makeup failed him on this one resulting in a tap out.

Nigerian cooker Hilda Bacci who won the cookathon in 2023 has been described as the motivation and inspiration behind many people who are attempting the guineas records now