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Gospel music minister Tatenda Gurupira shared a profound and life-changing experience that occurred in June. According to Gurupira, he died for a few hours and during this time, he visited heaven where he encountered angels and Jesus. The experience has deeply impacted his faith and mission on earth, leading him to take bold actions upon his return.

Gurupira recounted that upon arriving in heaven, one of the first things he noticed was the existence of books that documented the lives of every individual on earth. Among these books, he found one belonging to a well-known celebrity who was famous for singing secular music. This discovery was startling and served as a catalyst for the assignment he was about to receive.

During his heavenly visit, Gurupira was given a crucial mission: to return to earth and preach to this popular artist, warning him that his time on earth was nearing its end unless he repented. Committed to this divine assignment, Gurupira did exactly that. He approached the celebrity, shared his message, and witnessed the artist repent and embrace a new path.

In addition to his mission concerning the celebrity, Gurupira also shared an introspective account of his own life. He revealed that God was not pleased with certain aspects of his performance on earth and demanded that he fulfill his true purpose. This revelation has driven Gurupira to re-evaluate his actions and rededicate himself to his calling with renewed fervor.

Despite a debate in heaven regarding his return, the final decision was made for Gurupira to come back to earth. This experience has not only transformed his personal life but has also energized his ministry, as he now carries a powerful testimony and a reinforced commitment to spreading his faith.