The Great Zimbabwe University registrar general, Dr. Sinikiwe Gwatidzo, who has served as Airports Company of Zimbabwe (ACZ) board member, is being accused of running down the organization into a mess through her autocracy and favoritism. A group of professors, some who lecture at the university, expressed their displeasure and disgruntlement in her style of leadership which has led to many resignations.

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In October 2023, the Universities’ Vice Chancellor, Dr. Zvogbo, went on leave which paved the way for Dr. Sinikiwe to run all her shenanigans in a bid to consolidate power and become the most powerful woman in the university. According to the organization’s charter, there has to be two Pro Vice Chancellors; at the moment, there is only one hired from South Africa, Dr. Professor Moses John Chimbari, who has been praised by many lecturers for doing his work very well. It is alleged that Dr. Sinikiwe uses the second vacant post to appoint people of her choice who are loyal to her even though they are not qualified for the post. This person will act as the Vice Chancellor when Dr. Zvogbo is away.

In the absence of Dr Zvobgo , Dr Chimbari is supposed to take over as acting VC as he is the substanive Pro Vive Chancellor appointed by the ministry of education. Dr Gwatidzo appointed Bernard Chazovachii to be acting Vice Chancellor instead, a move which shocked and angered many law abidng proffessors.Chazovadii is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Julius Nyerere School of Social Sciences at Great Zimbabwe University but his ascention was manufactured as a way of Gwatidzo`s greed to consolidate power says witnesses.

According to the amendment of State Universities Statutes Bill published in the Gazette in 2022, there are important values that all state universities have to align with. The amendments aimed at aligning the university Acts with the Constitution and making their provisions more uniform, bringing the universities’ objectives into line with the Government’s education policy, with a focus on the production of goods and services. It also included reducing the size of the university councils and making them more balanced in regard to gender and regional representation, altering the way senior university officers are appointed, introducing principles of good corporate governance, and streamlining their disciplinary procedures.

Dr. Sinikiwe Gwatidzo is being accused of breaking all these standards and trying to create a Macedonian invasion of Alexander the Great in modern times. Speaking to Zimcelebs, one former lecturer explained that the situation had become dire to the extent that he had to choose between his mental health and his job. If you air out your views, you become the enemy, and she does not promote anyone whom she feels she does not want. He further explained that all the problems learners are facing at the university are just a symptom of her conduct at work.

Learners at Great Zimbabwe University have complained about the type of food being served and the nature of their dormitories despite the exorbitant fees they pay. One student council member explained that the registrar does not care about the welfare of the students but is more inclined to consolidating power. Another student from Mashava Campus said the registrar has stayed for too long and she is no longer acting on school development and should be shuffled to pave way for new and better minds. He also described the dire situation in their living rooms and sleeping beds were it is not up to standard all caused by these power struggles initiated by Dr. Sinikiwe.

Another female student from the Mashava campus described a sad situation they find themselves in as they walk to one WIFI spot during the night to do their academic researches. “A big university like GZU cannot have only one WIFI spot she described in utter bewilderment. ” We walk in the dark risking being attacked or raped by gold panners around the campus only to connect to WIFI in this 21st century whilst the top management is trying to be shrewed in power fights.

Another Students Representative member aired out his disbelief on the health care situation on the campus. He said a big campus like Mashava does not have a single ambulance that can take a student to the hospital incase of an emergence. He said learners are being ferried with a truck like dried tobbaccoo whenever there is an emergence and this is very worrisome for a big instituion like GZU. He also added that the canteen was burtnt some some months ago but there have been no any efforts to commence the repairs because Dr Gwatidzo is busy making personal decisions.

The constitution of the university section (9:1) says: The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor after consultation with the Minister and the Council, and shall hold office for such period as is provided in his or her contract of employment. Dr. Sinikiwe is alleged to have not followed these protocols in her influence and other lecturers have also accused her of using love like Aphrodite to make appointments. She has also violated the government protocols in appointing the acting VC in the absence of Dr. Zvobgo, sidelining Dr. Chimbari and putting those from her camp.

According to the Universities Public Relations department, prior to her appointment as the GZU Registrar, Dr. Gwatidzo had served as the Acting Director of Information and Public Relations at the Midlands State University since December 2009. In that capacity, she was responsible for managing communication with all University stakeholders and fundraising towards major University projects. A certified Arbitrator in the Construction Industry, Dr. Gwatidzo also served as a Labour Relations Officer in the Ministry of the Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare between 1999 and March 2000 and a Designated Agent for National Employment Council for the Construction Industry of Zimbabwe. Her duties included grievance handling; conducting hearings; writing determinations; inspection of work sites and industrial areas.

Having such a rich background in her work could have made her a great person, one security guard reiterated, but it has all turned her into a power-hungry Napoleon who will stop at nothing whilst the university lies in desolation. He further called responsible authorities to take action before many qualified professors leave the institution and the situation worsens. Others are opting not to renew their contracts because of this toxic environment.