Mr Sirizani Butau has been honoured with a medal for his heroics in 2021 in the Mutare road accident. He was awarded along other heroes from various sectors including Luckmore Nice, Black Umfolosi among others.
This medal was handed over by President Mnangagwa. Sirizani Butau is a Zimbabwean known for rescuing people who were trapped in a Beta bus that was in flames after being involved in a head-on collision with a fuel tanker about 20 km outside Mutare on 24 December 2021.

Sirizani Butau was not involved in the accident but hastily rushed to assist eight people out of the bus that caught fire after colliding with a fuel tanker. On the day the accident happened, Butau was travelling from Beira to Zambia. He suffered third-degree burns.
He was taken to a hospital in Mutare but his family requested to have him discharged so that he could be treated in Kadoma where they reside because his continued stay in Mutare would have taken a toll in terms of accommodation and other related costs. He was treated at Kadoma General Hospital.
Sirizani Butau was transferred to Queen Mary Hospital which offered him free medication.
The administrator of the hospital Mrs Talent Murambasvina made the request to the owner of the hospital Dr Maher Fahmi Khalil Youssef who obliged after hearing of Sirizani Butau’s heroics.
Five people perished in the accident while 60 others were taken to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital after sustaining injuries of varying proportions.