Prophet Chari has been criticized for standing with his wife amidst rumours that she tolerated and flirted with business man Wicknell Chivhayo when he approached her through Instagram.

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The chats seem to suggest that the two were flirting behind the prophets’s back . Mrs Chari is not the only woman whom Wicknell Chivhayo approached but several other women including Tariro Gezi , Hadassah, Shashl .

In response to this prophet Chari has mentioned that he loves his wife and he has preached about a wounded prophet before. He says,” I understand you my love you were trying to help “, a statement which suggests that he knows the intentions of his wife and the context of this conversation.

One relationship coach had this to say

What Chari did right there is not the most comfortable , it’s not the most convinient , it goes against human manly ego. However it’s exactly what a man should do, defend and cover the wife even in their worst errors and shortcomings , I have seen Will Smith being ridiculed over more or less the same if not worse. But this is what it means to be a husband guys , at least biblically this is what the husband is likened to , remember how God is likened to the husband of a harlot.

So y’all planning to get married remember wives will fall short and mess up. Be prepared to carry the shame and defend them , if you are not ready for this , then well pray

Whilst others bashed the prophet suggesting that he is a simp. Others has praised him applauding his gesture and his desire to be with his wife.

Many other critics have pointed out the bible story of prophet Hosea who was instructed by God to marry a harlot as a symbol of the relationship between Him and Israel. Bible scholars have dismissed this narrative citing that the prophet in the bible was used as a symboll and no where does it tell people to follow that example in their marriages.