Seh Calaz has shared his thoughts on the ongoing copyrights war and he says “Zvema copy rights izvo zvinokonzerwa nekuti producers and artists Mazhinji Havana ma terms vanoshanda because vamwe vakuda kusimuka ,vamwe will be on same level Asi Paine Ari down, ma projects Mazhinji akaitwa pachi ghetto Yut and brotherly love”

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He says producers should be wary of how they handle this situation as it might end up affecting their business “ ,chenjerai kuvhiringidza basa rako producer nedzungu rekuda kuhakira, nekusada Kusarira, hapana achauya ikoko zve after vaona hunhu hwekuti wawaidya naye muchiwirirana
wakumukanda pasi pebhazi because
hamufambidzane ,hatina kuti Ifai nenzara ,idyai mukohwe zvamaka dyara Asi Tangai mambogara pasi mega musati mangobairira copyright“ he wrote.

This wave started after Baba Chiramba and the fishers of men struck Jah Signal, the two have since resolved their issue and are now in good hands. Other producers and artists have since moved to do the same with the latest being of Kenako music and Winky D in which the recording house claimed three songs from his channel. Winky D did not respond but went ahead and removed all songs recorded by Kenako on the album from his YouTube channel.