Sir Wicknell has gifted DJ Fantan’s wife and mother a Benz and aqua Toyota respectively. This comes just a few days after the businessman has been criticized by Olinda .

Wicknell seems undeterred by opposition opinions and has vowed to continue to give gifts to many Zimbabweans at will .

In a message on social media he wrote:

These are the sort of PRICELESS reactions that make me so happy and make my HEART melt…Zvimwe zvese ratove DRAMA.

Iye Blaz wamunoti Fantan uyu Pane andiudza kuti nhasi ibirthday rake…Zvino ndomuitirei ko ??? Akazo roora here ??? The last time i heard he was divorced ??? Kana ainaye Mukadzi pamberi pa Mwari ini handione hangu paine chakaipa kuti Mukadzi wake aitewo ka Benz C class kaye keku ma 30 thousand uye na ivo Amai vake ava vaka muzvara vacho muzuva ranhasi ivo vane kodzero yeku parka ka AQUA mu yard mavo kekuno tengesa chingwa pa ma shops nekuendesa ku church ne shoko rimwe chete ravataura randino bvumirana naro rekuti MWARI VAKA NAKA…

Ndiregerereiwo hama dzadiwa pane vaye vano venga chese chaka naka chandingaite saka dzimwe dze nguva ndinenge ndichida hangu kungo dira hangu ka METHYLATED SPIRIT mbichana pa chironda zvinyatso TAPIRA and chikurumidze kupora…NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE I was just thinking aloud…Zvisinei ndinoti MAKOROKOTO MAKURU kwamuri Amai va Fantan ne Mudzimai wa Fantan…Ndapota mhanyai munoona Madzibaba Chipaga pa Enterprise Car Sales mutore mota dzenyu mamirirwa…HAPPY BIRTHDAY DJFANTAN…EDHUCHI…Edworks… Edelivers…2030 anenge aripo.

While other people have called for Sir Wicknell to also gift a car to DJ Levels ,since he mentioned his name in an interview with Capitalk FM nothing has materialized yet